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call CQ

I have urged the concerted effort to save cw.  want to make a positive suggestion to increase you activity enormously all by calling cq.  I am amazed how quiet the bands are in terms of activity and yet Reverse beacons skimmers  are coming back for me all over the US and even dx. The S/N db levels shows me there in no question  I and getting out big time.
Ok , this is fun and it is competitive Go here to see my activity Now type in your call and you will see yours. What those green calendar dates show is that I called Cq At least once ,5.3 hours a day. The cite aggregates your last year and ranks you in the top 75,000 in the world but because you get your moving average. You will probably start out very low-- .6 etc.  The cite has foc in the url. Forget that , it measures everyone. Ill bet you never knew your cq were being heard. publishen immediately  and calculated on RBN. You will quickly see the change in your hours where you called cq and you will move up quickly.  ONE RULE!!! reply to calls. I am amazed at my call response ratio. I estimate 30-40% cq responses. Have a nice QSO!! That's is why I am telling you this trick which keeps me excited and active in these difficult propagation times .
Now let's be sure you can see your own call results immediately. That is here is mine.
But go to the "DX SPOT" tab at the top, It drops down, Select "Spot Search" and type in your call!!  If you call cq right now ,you will see their skimmer responding immediately to your cq.
Now if you go read my page on using that exact same method ,you can compare and two antennas you have by following those instructions. Why not? We are siting on empty band and waiting for a station to call cq.YOU CALL CQ. If you don't think these bands are open, just go up and listen to the FT8 boys !! I think there should awards on this but then I am in 3rd place today, USA ( non beacon) .
Tired of reading? go call CQ on an open band!!

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